With foundation in the articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal details in Individuals' Possession we do of its knowledge that the HOTEL SMALL HOUSES OF THE TAJIN, with domicile in EXTENSION SOUTH 11 4716 CABBAGE. MEADOWS AGUAAZUL, IT POPULATES, POPULATES, C.P. 72320 is a person in charge of obtaining its personal details, of the use that one gives him to the same ones and of its protection.

your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services and products that it has requested; to Integrate and to maintain updated a clients' database; to confirm the identity of the client and/or of its legal representative; to provide information on: conditions, politics and dispositions for the hiring and the use of the services and facilities; payment means; tariffs for services and forms; monitoring and control of physical and logical access to facilities of the hotel; to send invoices; to facilitate the making and delivery of quotations and contracts of the services that the hotel offers; to manage reservations assertion for huts services in the hotel, and in general, to give fulfillment to the obligations that we have contracted with you.

fixed and/or cellular Phone E-mail Direction RFC and/or CURP

It is important to inform him that you have a right to the Access, Rectification and Cancellation of its personal details, to Be opposed to the treatment of the same ones or to revoke the assent that for the above mentioned end has granted us.

For it, it is necessary that he sends the request in the terms that marks the Law in its Art. 29 to the PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF PERSONAL DETAILS, located in EXTENSION SOUTH 11 4716 CABBAGE. MEADOWS AGUAAZUL, IT POPULATES, POPULATES, C.P. 72320, or, one communicates to the phone 01 (222) 2371827 or route e-mail to group rabeja@hotmail.com, who we request confirms telephone route to guarantee its correct reception. In case he does not want of receiving promotional messages of our part, he can send to us its request by means of the electronic direction: group rabeja@hotmail.com

For the case that is necessary, I, TO TITLE OF THE PERSONAL DETAILS, I declare definitely to accept unreservedly or some limitation the content of this Notice of Privacy across the signature autógrafa of the this document. In the same way, the fact of completing the printed, electronic formats, supposes my complete and express acceptance of the present Notice of Privacy and of any modification and/or update of the same and I accept that Hotel SMALL HOUSE OF THE TAJIN processes my personal details in the terms and conditions of this Notice of Privacy.

□ If I withstand that my personal details are transferred in the terms that the present privacy notice indicates. □ I do not withstand that my personal details are transferred in the terms that the present privacy notice indicates.

Important: Any modification to this Notice of Privacy will be able to consult it in www.casitasdeltajin.com Date of last update: 3/31/2017.